We did make it to Camp AndyMason despite a slide issue. After a chat with the Tiffin guys, a fuse replaced solved the immediate problem and we were on our way. But, it blew another fuse when we got here so it will go in for some work while we stay in the stick house.
Just throwing up a couple of pictures of favorite things we saw and did on our 5 weeks ......Love the Cape Breton area and especially, the quiet, quaint town of Beddeck.
I'm slowly finishing up two sweaters while we lumber down the road.....I tried to knit around
the nightly campfires and now the multi-colored sweater has a decidely smoky flavor.....those who know said to leave it in the sun and air for awhile.
Here's what I've been reading for the past 3 weeks.........Not recommending, just saying that it is working for me. And aside from a pizza looking really really good the other night, I don't feel deprived. So far I definitely feel better, have more energy, and I'm thinner altho that was not the purpose of this experiment. I may stick with it until the next meal, tomorrow or next week.....I may have some ice cream with chocolate on it or not......I'm liking what I'm doing and I will go with it for as long as I want. So far, I've given up meat (including fish) , sugar, dairy, most oils and most processed foods. I'm really good at reading labels and surprised at what I do eat without counting calories. I still eat eggs altho I've cut way back.