Wednesday, August 21, 2024


We feel signs of fall..... still hot at times but more rain and cooler mornings.    The hummingbirds are feeding heavily and I change the food daily now to keep up.    They will leave in a few weeks and I will miss their antics.  

And so I keep drawing........ here's a few glimpses of what makes me happy.  

This is Alexander the Great.   He is all of 15 pounds but has a jaunty presence.  I see him on my walks and have decided to try and capture his cuteness.    White dogs are a BIG challenge and he is coming along slowly.    

I have always liked this picture of Andy and Mason so decided to do a pencil drawing.    I would like to go in this direction again.  

I did Oliver as a favor for a friend.   He is her grand dog and very very old.   She will gift it to her daughter at some point.   It was a terrible picture to work from.   Luckily he is a pure bred and I could find lots of references for color.   


Rosie is Becca and Michael's young mixed breed.   Very rambunctious.    The picture was of her full body but at this age, she is all legs and I opted to edit to a better view.   

This is Sir Reddington.  Jeff and Jen's Shiba Inu ...... I am not thrilled with this but if I get a better pic, I will try again. 

And here is the late Guiness.....another Shiba of Jen's.    He was fun to do.  

These two gave me fits.    I took a gazillion pics but still wasn't pleased with any of them.   I just decided to go ahead and do my best ..... I'm sure I will try again .     On the left is Aspen and the other is Tellie.   They are Portuguese water dogs and live at Mike and Jenna's house.   Tellie is blind and diabetic but I gave her pretty eyes.    They are now joined by Georgie, who is a few months old doodle.   She will not be easy either with her dark curly hair.     The round thing in the corner is a magnet which holds the paper to my board when I'm drawing.  

And then there is Mother Nature's handiwork. .... beautiful cherry tomatoes from 2 plants.   They are 

exquisitely tomatoey tasting .

I see many more in our future salads.   I also have another plant with bigger tomatoes but they are slow growing.... 

So that is August and you can see what I do with my time....besides Wordle of course with my smart grand girls and....... wanting to hope again and feeling the JOY !     

1 comment:

  1. Guiness and Sir Reddington came out fantastic and a wonderful gift! Thank you so much for these, will be going up on the wall. Jeff and Jennifer
