Saturday, June 22, 2024

Too much of a good thing......

A long story short..... I have been totally sidelined for over 10 days with severe S I joint pain.   After the 10K, I came home feeling empowered and proceeded to walk more than I should have and also walked the golf course twice with a push cart.   After a vigorous morning walk and a shower, I suddenly could not walk upright, get out of a chair or move much at all.    Ice helped but not much else.   Visits to a chiropractor ensued and gradually, I am moving again.      Today I did a short walk and will take it slow.   The inability to have normal agility and movement was very sobering.     

BUT, just to cheer me up....I got my stats from the BB.     I was 36,823 out of 43,333 finishers.   My pace was 19:40 / mi..... over 2 min off my usual.  My last mile was faster than my first (crowds !! ) and out of 17 women in my age group, I came in 8th.   I am so impressed with all the details, both before, during and after the walk.   

And another member of the family made some important strides as well.   Congrats to Mason on his solo flight !!   

So a mother bird decided our front door would be a good birthing place.   It's a large bird but other than that, I have no idea.    I'll check in a few days and see if there's anything in it.   She's scratched the door very obviously so a major paint redo will be needed.  

 Dog portraits have started up again now that I can sit comfortably.   Black curly fur is not my favorite.  

Weather hot but that's normal .... we did get some impressive storms with hail and wind and more rain than usual.   Need to get into the mountains  in the next few weeks to see the wild flowers.  


  1. What!!!!! I had to look up the S1 joint. I'm sure glad most of your mobility is back. Sometimes we get a reminder from our bodies that we aren't 50 anymore... I've been busy bending and pulling (dandelions be gone!). Sometimes, when I come inside and sit for awhile my back feels stiff but with movement I'm OK again. I've been hiking but not over 3 miles so far. Congrats to Mason. Another fly-guy in your family. It's been relatively cool here, Tourists have descended in droves. I stay off of popular trails. The wildflowers are spectacular this summer.

  2. Congrats on Boulder - #2 son

  3. I hope you’re feeling better by now. At least you’ve got your paints to keep your hands busy. Take it slow…
