And then, after thoughtful pondering and double masking, we flew east. First we drove home from AZ and hopped on a flight to EWR. Yes, we know that there are flights from PHX to EWR but we wanted to drop off and pick up some stuff at home. And altho it is almost a 10 hour drive, we're kind of used to it and audio books help. Currently listening to "Project Hail Mary".

It's been a long long time since I've hiked in the Connecticut woods. Jon, Murphy and I did a 3+ miles wander in the woods....lots of rocky up and downs and slippery leaves covering the trail and roots and rocks on the way to the waterfall. We've seen it from the boat, but earning this view is worth it.
In order to get to the waterfall, we had to traverse this looooonnnng log. It had been smoothed at the top and covered with a mesh but the sides were slippery and it was very narrow. It got even more narrow as I viewed it from the starting point. I crept across, mindful that a fall would do some serious damage to my bones on the sharp mossy rocks. I had a 'found' walking stick (a sturdy branch) which helped with the balance issue. On the return from the waterfall viewing, I realized that I did NOT want to cross again. It seemed much more daunting. I had Mary Beth's old sneakers on (to keep my shoes from the mud)....Hiking boots with serious grids would have been wiser. I took a few steps across and the stick slipped on the side and I wobbled. And then I froze. I literally could not move and was convinced I was headed for the icy water. Of course, I survived and managed to put one foot in front of the other and made it across just fine but it awakened in me the thought that balance and confidence diminish with age.

But it also told me that I'm still pretty agile and capable of adventure and I need to keep doing this....... It has snowed since this walkabout so not sure if I'll get another chance to walk in the woods....I have NO plans of crossing log bridges.
We have come to CT for Christmas for many many years. The boys are the youngest grands and it's been fun to share in their excitement. Missing last year only reinforced our determination to join them this year, despite the upside down world we live in.
Dinner was a delicious combo of the old and new traditions. A standing rib and vegan dishes.... homemade rolls and too many cookies.
We've played board games most evenings. We are terrible at Trivial Pursuit, (it was the 90's version and who remembers anything from that decade?), we suffered through Cranium, some wanted to play Catan while others preferred Scrabble. Murphy demolishes every toy in minutes and eyed the new slippers under the tree.
Santa brought the Ember mug. It keeps your hot tea at a temperature you choose for 90 minutes , or several hours if it's on the charging base. I reheat my tea many times before I empty the cup. I think it's going to be a favorite. Plus, it keeps your hands warm while you hold the cup.
We're avoiding stores and crowds and meeting up with old friends. And, altho there were tickets for "To Kill a Mockingbird" on Broadway, they were refundable and we made the decision to try another time.
Wishing everyone a healthy and safe New Year.