this year, Andy left for college.....just how did that happen !!!
We've seen 4 other grands go off to college and each time they are still only 4 years old in my brain.....Andy is no different. He and his red car will be at Clarkson University up near the Canadian border in NY.
Prior to flying out of Denver, I did some dog walking..... Aspen preferred the comfort of the recliner (love that face) while her sister Tellie, made a marginal effort to walk with me. I finally had to call the sag wagon to pick her up as she sat and refused to budge. I know how she feels but I had new walking shoes
and had to keep going.
I was almost pulled off my feet when Murphy spied a deer was well camouflaged but he saw it and refused to budge.
He liked the boat but I think he prefers cars.

I had to laugh at the dog refusing to walk. My youngest can be that way from time to time. She doesn't like the heat, which I can't blame her! HA They only get walked in early a.m. during out hot, hot Michigan weather! Glad you had a great trip!