It is actually warmer here than in Florida. The snow resides only in the mountains and the Front Range views are very scenic. But all is to change tomorrow with BELOW ZERO weather moving in and SNOW. Not sure how much but enough to make it lovely. We don't fly home until Friday eve so are not too worried. And, if we should happen to get stuck here, it would be a good thing. We have our knitting, our various electronic toys and plenty of good company.
Speaking of good company, or at least interesting house mates.... Normally, I regale you with grandkid pictures but today I will introduce you to the other inhabitants of this large house.
Guess what Becca and Lizzie are examining?

This is a Russian Tortoise, Lizzie's gift for Christmas. It's name is Shelly and lives in a very large cage in her room. Each morning, it needs to be awakened and warmed in water so that it will eat. ( That conjures up various images and comments for the human gender but I will let it slide....)

Next, is Top Dog, Queen Bee, The Princess Roxie. She is maltese/yorkie mix and controls the house. Today she is rather plainly dressed but has quite a wardrobe.

Jake (a bichon) and Sammy (a labradoodle) are mostly confined to the large kitchen area due to bad habits. Jake is getting old but still rambunctious.

There are 3 large salt water fish tanks in the family room and they are a beautiful glimpse into an underwater world. My favorite are the Clown fish which come in black as well as the familiar Nemo orange. They are in front of the anemone named Marley ( for obvious hair similarities ).

Next up is Charlie, a Green Cheek Conure. He doesn't speak but just looks pretty.

And finally, meet Billy.... He is the star of the family room with a vocabulary bigger than mine. He sings, he whistles, he barks, he meows (there used to be cats here also). He also mimics the sound of the kids voices when he calls out their names. He answers Hello when the phone rings and laughs loudly. This is not a good picture of him as he didn't like me so close and kept moving. He is an Blue Front Amazon parrot and will live forever.

So, with 4 wonderful kids, 2 great parents, assorted friends stopping by, and the above menangerie, this home is a busy lively place to enjoy.
Maybe snow pictures tomorrow.....................Plus, I'll share what a perfect gift we got.
Love seeing the animal pics!!! I'm an animal lover so I'm impressed with each of them. We have a Bichon, Mandy, who is 11 and the light of our life!!! I also have a blue front, Grace..and YES, they will live forever!!! My kids are fighting over her...that is fighting over who DOESN'T want her! Ha Enjoy and have a safe travel home!!