It's time for new beginnings and promises to one's self to do better, get organized, freshen up one's life and generally recharge for the upcoming year. If only I was so disciplined to think I could actually accomplish what my inner voice suggests. At the very least, I could try and update the blog more timely......
Christmas was good to our families and it was delightful to be with most of our grandkids near the holiday.
IPads seemed to be the gift of the season and we were no exception. Jon got one
and our family generously gifted one to us. It is a delightful little machine. It sits
in it's nice little case and is very fast and just feels good......just like the iPhone. I'm still undecided if I prefer reading books on it or my Kindle. I'd like to recommend my current read but I am slogging thru a tome of some 900 pages highly touted by the New York Times Book Review. I think I'd be happier if I went with my own instincts and just read trash. I'm learning more about India than I ever wanted to know.

While in Colorado we were having fun making coffee in the Cuisinart Single Brew coffee maker. The variety of brews and instant gratification are appealing. Soooo, we picked one up when we got home.
I only drink decaf and so far, I haven't found one I like as well as a brewed choice. And it's expensive to try them all out since you can't buy the little K cups individually. I like the Cafe Mocha and would like to try some teas. I like the hot water feature for soups and tea bags. But, it is annoyingly expensive and extravagant despite its appealing convenience. Fortunately, Costco has a long return policy so we'll give it a fair trial. Anyone else have one ??

I only drink decaf and so far, I haven't found one I like as well as a brewed choice. And it's expensive to try them all out since you can't buy the little K cups individually. I like the Cafe Mocha and would like to try some teas. I like the hot water feature for soups and tea bags. But, it is annoyingly expensive and extravagant despite its appealing convenience. Fortunately, Costco has a long return policy so we'll give it a fair trial. Anyone else have one ??
And it looks like the beginning of a good year for Jeff and Jennifer who have announced their engagement. The big date will be September 3, 2011 in Portland, Oregon. We are delighted to welcome Jennifer to our family.
PS: If anyone finds my golf game, would you please return it ASAP !!
Seems like the perfect cure to your current reading problem is to outsource it!