The Apple geeks at the Genius Bar fixed my computer in less than 2 days. !! I went with a spring in my step and Freida at my side. The place is quite lovely during the season and it was exhilarating to be loose among the glitter and glamour.
I found these pillows at Pottery Barn. I think they are just perfect but will have to think about it. Maybe one would be better in a frame. I love magnolias but found that they turn brown shortly after picking.

Remember when I mentioned that our friends , John and Freida bought the new Droid X phone? John had a 3Gs iPhone but they were interested in the Verizon network.
After about 2 weeks, they were terribly frustrated with the phones and returned them.
They now have the new iPhone 4 and life is back to normal. I think the Droid X is a very nice device with good apps and comparable to the iPhone in many has gotten good reviews . And if it were your first Smart phone, it might be a good choice. BUT, trying to switch from an iPhone to anything else would be impossible for me as it was for them.

Living here in 'the bubble', we have constant entertainment options. Most is OK and some is less than that but there is something for most everyone's taste. Usually , we get groups that are familiar names from years past. Sometimes they are still good, mostly they are 'past their prime', just like the crowds they are playing to.
Anyway, we went to the John Tesh show the other night. It really was a mixed bag.
Much of the program was light Christmas music and his 6 piece band is very good. The background lighting and graphics were excellent. When , at the end, he played one piece, you could imagine him at Red Rocks doing what he does best. He should stick to music and forget the selling of his book and boring stories of his teenage daughter. All in all, it was a nice evening. Addendum: The concert was almost 2 hours, no intermission, and ended on a very rousing number. The audience applauded vigorously for 2 seconds and then got up and walked out. No sustained applause and no encore which I thought was very surprising. Seems like most everything gets an encore these days and I was kind of looking forward to one of his better arrangements. I wonder if I had continued clapping, would they have returned JUST FOR ME ???

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