We made it home !! Over 9000 miles in 4 1/2 months......from the oceans to the flatlands to the mountains, we saw it all. The blog followed us everywhere and took you along.......here's a few of the last pictures.........
Mesa Verde is a hidden gem, literally....... you'd never know there was anything in this high and arid country until you look really close........
And, after a downhill jaunt , you can get up close and personal. The structures at this site are very well preserved, including original logs in the ceilings. Very little has been restored. And then you get to walk back UP, at 7000 ft and with warnings about the dangers of the heat and altitude and the strenuous climb if you have any health problems. I decided that my knee wasn't a health problem and with some huffing and puffing, we did just fine.
And then, we headed south to Albuquerque. National Geographic lists this event as a "must see". We agree.

These are random shots, in no particular order, taken at sunset and at dawn and in daylight. They are not edited at all........
I liked the alarm clock......
Alex holding the stabilizing rope while they inflate "Flyer"......
Becca and Lizzie on a morning flight............the "Flyer" represents the Denver logo.
A tribute to the 911 firemen.............
Evening "Glow"........not to be missed.
The butterfly is huge........
And a real crowd pleaser........Airabella the Cow. She is huge and disrupted traffic one day while landing on the highway. Her feet land before the basket.
I have many many many more pictures ..... over 800 just of the Fiesta. In the next weeks , I may share more...... but if you ever get the chance, plan a trip to this amazing event. Plus, the fireworks are the best we've seen..........and Alex worked the set-up for them.
We're off early Friday morning to California for a gathering of family and friends to honor my mother on Saturday.