This is the assortment of reading devices currently in use here at the homestead. All connected to either Kindle and /or iBooks. The Kindle, the iPhone 5, the iPad mini and the iPad 1 ........ It seems a bit much and I seem to be out of control. I keep justifiying 
my electronic habit by arguing that I could be enamored with jewelry . Anyway, I've added the mini iPad to the mix and so far it exceeds my expectations.....Compared to it's bigger brother, it fits easily into my purse, I can hold it it one hand, it is much easier to type on and has all the upgrades and fun things like Siri and a camera. It also receives the same texts that I get on my phone for some reason. I was having more and more difficulty reading on the Kindle and was considering the newer Kindle with the brighter background....You can see the difference in this pic (poor as it is)......the mini is a very nice reader but distracting when email arrives or I need to check 'Words with Friends'. I have 30 days to decide if I will keep it or change it for one with a data plan. I think the iPad, of any size, is just a brilliant idea. By the way, just finished reading "The Round House" and it was excellent. Now beginning "Cloud Atlas" which is not an easy read but has been on my list for a couple of years. It sounds like the movie is just as difficult to follow. I am liking the challenge of it but glad I have the built in dictionary to help me along. 
It's been pretty quiet around here. Days spent staring at the golf course and wishing are not terribly productive. The rehab on the knee continues and this patella femoral syndrome appears to have a very slow recovery period. My impatient nature wants to insist they are wrong and that I'll be walking 5 miles and golfing very shortly but reality tells me otherwise.
So, last night we headed to Orlando with our neighbors Gene and Sharon to see Cirque du Soleil, La Nouba. We saw it about 10 years ago and found it just as enchanting this time. I pulled these pictures off the web.....the tiny Asian girls with their whirling balls and sticks were amazing.
The trapeze artists were breathtaking. The trampoline gymnasts with their split second timing kept us on edge. It was 90 minutes of delight.
Come down and visit us and we'll go see it again...................
Stick with Cloud Atlas. It all comes together at the end and worth the read. I have no desire to see the movie. It got terrible reviews.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your recovery!