Important stuff more useless time waster that I've found is Word with Friends. I'm not alone in spending the $2.99 for this app. , nor the only one spending waaayyy too much time dreaming up ways to trump MaryBeth and Jon. But they managed to gang up on me and I fell to defeat with this one benign word, placed just right for 105 points !!!! It was painful......
A couple of years ago, we were there for the choosing and cutting of the Christmas tree. It was rainy and cold. This year was only a tad better so we opted to keep the home fires burning while they tromped thru the forest of pines to find the perfect one. While waiting for it to settle and dry out , the boys decorated this smaller one for the big window. 
Only one ornament fell off.....and didn't break.
We got home late late last night after a 4 hour flight delay. First the plane broke, then we changed gates for another plane and then we had no crew. We were not optimistic that we would ever get out of Newark. After eating a delicious roasted vegetable wrap, we finally boarded and then napped as we hurried South.
Florida is so sunny and bright and warm.... and colorful. But it lacks rambunctious little boys.
At least you made it back home ;-)