Today, we opted to try a different route than originally planned and headed to western South Dakota. Much of the middle of the state is flat prairie and signs tout that Dancing With Wolves was filmed nearby. It looks much like the broad expanses in the movie. The area is home to the Sioux Indians.

We drove off the main road (not literally.....I'm really a pretty good driver of the Roadblock altho P does all the hard parts) and ended up in the Badlands. I think that the North Dakota Badlands are more impressive but its been a long time so the memory cells from that era might be a bit weak.

Before long, we had our first view of Mt Rushmore. We are unsure if we ever saw this as a couple or just as children with our parents. In any case, it is always a thrill to see it looming in the distance.

It has a quite beautiful entrance and walk way to the best viewing area. There is an excellent museum detailing why and how the sculptures were built. The memorial took 14 years to construct with 400 men doing very dangerous work and there were no fatalities.

On our return to the RV, P went on ahead . I opted to stop for some ice cream cones. Little did I know that they would tower the scoops (there was only one size) and I had to move very quickly to get back before they melted. I was only partially successful keeping up with the rivers of melting praline cream.
We had intended to spend a leisurely afternoon in a campground in Hot Springs SD, south of Mt Rushmore but due to our lack of attention (one of us was dozing.....) we took the wrong road and ended up in WYOMING!! So we slogged on with less enthusiasm and finally arrived at this nice KOA with free WiFi.
Haven't decided our itinerary for tomorrow but we are closing in on Denver. We're a bit ahead of schedule so may have to find the scenic route.
I'm enjoying your trip details. One day I hope to get to the badlands. I've never been to the northwest. We've been away for a few days and It was good to spend the time catching up.