Tomorrow, we fly up to Pa and bail out the Roadblock from storage. We'll tidy it up, gas it up (no small feat these days) and on Friday, we will head West.
First stop will be to visit cousin Betty and Joan in Cincinnati, then on to Kelsey Lake in Michigan to spend time with the Holtans (class of 61), then up to Northern Wisconsin to enjoy a long overdue visit with P's brother Lew and Marlyce (I'm sure the pictures from this region will be spectacular) and then over to Lake Sally in Minnesota to reminisce with the Hatlie's (class of 61) and assorted JHS alumni spending their summers there. Finally, we'll head down to Denver and find a safe place to store the motorhome for the remainder of the summer.
At the end of June, we will help Aunt Romayne move from Colorado Springs down here to Florida. At 96 1/2 she is spry and witty and anxious for new adventures. It will be great having her near.
Altho we look forward to getting on the open road, it is hard to leave here, even for a few weeks. We are getting used to being on the go and having a plethora (don't you just love that word) of choices each day,, pickle ball, swimming, exploring , time with new friends or just plain loafing. We find that we are not alone in feeling this reluctance to leave. One couple went on a cruise and said it was a waste of money as they felt like they "went on a vacation from their vacation".
The new golf clubs have improved my game I"m happy to report.....not that I'd ever admit it if they didn't. We've been playing between 7 and 8 in the morning and it is usually pretty humid and uncomfortable but not hot. And then we go out for more casual play around 7 in the evening when there is a nice breeze and comfortable temperatures. However, there are hazards to trying to play at that time of day as we found out when Freida was ready to tee off. 
Stay tuned and join us on our trip. Lots of pictures promised.
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