We've been home for a few days but the blog has taken a back seat to all sorts of boring stuff. We had a great time and I have a lot of pictures to prove it....well, it's hard to capture a picture of just laying on the beach doing nothin and watching the birds scampering along in the surf and waking up to the mockingbirds overhead and sunshine every day....but this one kind of sums it up a bit.

But alas, not all was great......I became the Sunday buffet for no-see-ums and am covered in bites. I was diligent in the use of bug spray but it must have attracted them. I'm am one big welt and the itching is extreme. The other person on this trip has nary a bite !!??
More pictures when I edit a few......I tried to post the blog from the iPad but for whatever reason, it failed but at least I tried to take you along...............