Still here..... one never knows when you get this old. And, I've followed this directive quite nicely and have no fear of being kidnapped based on the scale's message. But, I'd prefer pie.
I have very painful arthritic fingers/hands. In order to play golf, I need to take a Motrin prior. I find that annoying. A fellow golfer showed off these golf gloves and said they were wonderful for her hands. So, I ordered one for each hand and wore them for league play yesterday. They are very compressive....have no idea what the copper does. BUT, I did not take drugs and wore these gloves and I had no pain !! I was impressed. As I said, they fit very tightly. And then I took them off and the pain came back with a vengeance....but tolerable if I'm not needing them to grip a club. I found it to be an interesting experiment and will continue to use them. Fortunately, I can knit and draw and paint without wearing golf gloves.
For the long time subscribers to this blog....and no, the price isn't going up...... you may remember that we once did exciting hikes with our Cobble Creek Hiking Club. We even went on overnights and climbed among the mountains on high trails and in thin air. The Club has gradually diminished as most of us have aged and some younger ones have moved on. But it still does a weekly hike and I finally got off the couch and joined them. Last week, while some did part of the Perimeter Trail in Ouray (rocky and strenuous), I stayed lower and several of us did the river walk. The river is running very high and fast
and it was a perfect walk.
Meanwhile, back at the homestead, the tomatoes are showing up. I have about 8 tomatoes on 2 plants. The plants really haven't grown much but lots of yellow flowers and the growing fruits. I worried that they were getting too much sun and tried an umbrella as some suggested that they needed shade. Of course, the umbrella would not stay put and I gave up. A friend has many tomato plants and she never shades them ...... 

Finished the "Covenant of Water"..... I may need to reread it to better absorb the nuances but I thought it excellent. I'm listening to "Remarkably Bright Creatures", starring an octopus and a 70 year old cleaning lady at the aquarium. It's a good listen.
Fewer hummingbirds this year. Others on a Colorado bird sighting FB page are reporting the same. And still mostly finches enjoying the feeders. We do have a kingfisher who is fun to watch. He hovers above the stream, his wings like large hummingbird wings, then dives straight down, splashes and presumably has a fish as he flies straight up. I read that they drop dead fish into water to teach their young how to fish.
Packing our bags for our pending trip this weekend. Mason is graduating.... I think he has grown much too quickly.
Suddenly, it seems I can once again comment.... I smile at the thought of shading your tomatoes. Here it's so breezy, my umbrella would be miles away in no time. My father -in-law (now deceased) wore a copper bracelet believing it helped his arthritis. I say, if you have less discomfort and can play golf - go for it! I'm glad you can knit and sketch without pain. Good that you're hiking again - with all the rain, I think the wildflowers will be awesome this summer. Our wild lupine are coming up in the yard and along forest trails. PS Thankfully, I'll never be kidnapped!