It was a mini-family gathering. The planning started early this year and because it was the first week of Disney World's 50th, everything required reservations. There were limitations on crowd size and no one could enter without a reservation. Becca and Lizzie worked for months juggling the tickets and the plans and it all paid off perfectly. It was an amazing 5 days..... Somehow, I managed to take very few pictures. And w
e never did get a group picture of the 10 of us.....4 generations.
The crowds were impressive, the weather was very hot and humid and the wait times were lengthy. But, I would do it again.....just not this week.
Of course, the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom were extra special and Tinkerbell flew through the air (on a zip line).
Ashlee picked out her uncle Alex as her very best friend. She closed her eyes in sight of a camera. At 2 1/2 years she outlasted many of us.
The Star Wars area was very very impressive and I gave it a first on my list. The Avatar Pandora venue was also impressive but the ride set off a bit of queasiness. It's unique in that you sit atop a device (?) in a position like riding a horse. Only you are riding a Banshee..... there are sensations in your legs and chest as you fly around and mimic controlling the direction of the large flying creature. Of course, the graphics are unparalleled. We also did some of the original rides , Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted House. They've held up pretty well against the high tech rides.
The pool and a cool drink .........

Animal Kingdom with the Tree of Life in the background.
Guardians of rainbow Minnie......

According to my Strava app, I walked over 30 miles in 5 days....We relied on the monorail and the ferries to shuttle us. Luckily, my sneakers were very very comfortable. I can't imagine if I'd had to add blisters or sore feet to the mix of sweat and sun.
And then we packed up and headed to the airport..... again, massive security lines but by now we were used to waiting in line. Unfortunately, our flight was delayed (broken part=new airplane brought in) but we didn't get to Denver until midnight and our flight home had left hours ago. So we spent the night in a hotel and caught another the next day. United was really quite amazing throughout it all. They gave us frequent and detailed updates and food vouchers and a voucher towards another trip and for those of us with missed connections, a night in a hotel.
When all the planning was initiated way back 8 months ago, it was expected that the virus would be better controlled. Since it isn't and we were going to FL, I gave some heavy thought to the wisdom of doing this. We masked up (required indoors everywhere) and used the well placed hand sanitizer stations and tried not to stand too close to anyone but we were still among the masses.
And now we are home and it is cold and rainy and windy and the mountains are glorious with their new heavy coating of snow. But we have many many warm memories of time with family.