More sock knitting. I do work on other projects but I always revert to socks for
meditative knitting.
And company came for a visit. Brother Tom, Regina and the talented and smart grand niece Jesse Ann. How fun to catch up on old memories. Tom toggled my brain about places and people that I had long put away in my memory bank. We are 8 years apart so didn't have equal memories of growing years but
interesting to hear another side of things.
And then we did the almost 6 hour drive to the east to see the grand girls. Lizzie had asked me to join her and Becca in getting matching tattoos. Lizzie wants to get a matching tattoo with her siblings and parents (I want to be around for that one when Michael agrees !! ) I didn't hesitate and said I would. Altho I have never considered one before, I had no strong opinion about it for others....altho I do wonder if those young persons with their arms , necks and other body parts covered will ever regret that much "art" someday. I think some can be tasteful and artistic but my 78 year old opinion is that a little sometimes goes a long way. Anyway, the tattooist is booked at least 3 months in advance. She is very talented, the studio was spotless and her disinfecting between clients is meticulous. And it was not as pricey as I'd expected. It took all of 10 min with just some pin pricks. I didn't get pictures of the others but here is

my tiny bumblebee. It's cute .... you need to look sideways to really see it.
And if you ever need an excuse to visit Colorado, this is what you'll see....... I took this a couple years ago but it returns every fall. This is about an hour from the house. (It's right out of the camera, no adjusting of color)