Today, I played golf with 3 friends at The Divide Ranch Golf Club. It's about a 40 min drive up to 8000 ft on the top of a mesa, Log Hill. The views of the San Juan Mountains are stunning. We seriously looked for a home here when we found that Florida, in the summer was not an option. Ultimately, we decided that the altitude would be difficult for any guests and that there was going to be a 40 min drive to play pickleball and get groceries.
It was in the 90's and clear so the UV index was about 20 ! I covered up with sunscreen, a hat, a UV shirt and still came home wiped out and feeling fried.
The air is hazy these days due to wild fires north of us. They are not contained and have closed I-70 in all directions. There are no easy options to get around, all requiring a few hundred miles detour.
This is Mt Sneffles, a fourteener and always a focal point from our back yard. That's my friend Marcia. She is always coordinated in hat/shoes/ colors.... she even had pink golf balls until she lost them (she didn't play well )

The deer have no fear. Many of the lovely mountain homes have very high fencing to keep them out.
On another day, we headed over to Silver Jack Lake to meet up with friends for a socially distanced picnic. So good to catch up in a safe and beautiful setting. Coming back down the trail, we encountered this walking roadblock. They were in no hurry.
Meet Murphy. He lives in CT with our favorite teenage boys. He is not yet a year old. And yes, he is a lab/pit mix but is small and seemingly docile. Andy describes him as the "wallflower of dogs". He clocks in more miles than most people on the Strava app along with his walking /hiking family.
And speaking of socks, this is my latest version. And the yarn is dyed so both socks will exactly match. The next ones are even more colorful...stay tuned.
I somehow managed to rearrange pics, thx Robbie. It's still time consuming but these days, I have lots of that.
Wow - I love those colorful socks you're knitting! Are you still baking bread? I've put thoughts of that away for the time being. I'd end up eating the whole loaf. Bob has eye surgery scheduled in Glenwood Aug 31, so we hope 70 is open by then. If not, he'll have to cancel. We ate out at a restaurant in Vail this week after a visit to the eye surgeon (at his Eagle office). That's the first we've eaten out since early March. Vail was a zoo of people, but the restaurant was following protocols. The food tasted great!