First sign of least at Trader Joe's.
And then our favorite teenagers showed up. As it happened, it was the 72nd celebration of Gold Rush Days. We cheered on the horses and bands and horses and more horses in the large parade. We wandered over to the street fair with its wide array of artists and food and crafts and lots of people.

The rodeo was another highlight. We went on Sunday which was Senior Day. All the participants were over 40....and many were significantly older. Mason felt that it was cruel to the animals. I think these horses and bulls and calves do this day after day and are pretty used to it all. But still, a strap around ones parts can't feel very good. I was impressed at how the riders and horses were in perfect sync. The above is the bronco riding. The horses were more aggressive than this picture shows. The roping competition featured several guys well over 70. One gentleman was 78 and he smoothly roped the calf, slid off the horse and wrangled the calf to the ground and tied its legs. I suspect he's been doing it since he was 6 , but still...
We played golf and pickle ball as well. They are very good at PB and can leap and jump and run after that ball. Golf is a bit more frustrating for them. Andy has his unique style but had some great shots.....and he kept most of his drives on the dry parts of the course. The rest of us, not so much. I finally limited them to one ball per hole on the water holes.

Mason has a lot of potential but he frustrates easily. And they both found the Par 3 to be limiting as they love to hit it a mile. Their dad showed up for a day. Luckily, weather was about perfect.
And yes, there is a hammock on the course....and a 2 person swing ... and orange lounge chairs and on the upper level, there is more comfy seating overlooking everything with distant views.
We live near an outer field of Luke Air Force Base. Most days there is the rumble of jets and now and then, sonic booms. Some are just startling but lately, they have been impressive. They really rattle the house and windows. One guy showed a pic of bricks that fell off his newly built home. I don't mind them but then, I don't own a house. At Ladies golf on Thursday, we had one. One of the golfers said she was going to call Luke and complain. Today she posted her call and the response on Next-door neighbor. Luke said they would log her complaint....nothing more. The response from the neighbors here was quick and to the point....... "We are proud of those who protect our country, ".... "They are keeping us safe"....".you should have done more due diligence before buying"........So no support for her, plus she is Canadian ! I suspect she won't bring it up again.
Oh the good old days!!! Sure miss my horses but not all the work! HA Plus, these bones wouldn't or couldn't withstand all that abuse! You always have fun with your family and their visits! Good for you! What, no gold! You'll have to get back out there lady!!! There's gold in them there hills!
ReplyDeleteHa - what a great cup. I'm definitely over it! Looks like you had fun with the boys. Lucky they could come before the shutdown.