We made the familiar trek back to CT for Andy's 16th BD. I remember the moment of his birth so vividly and often can't figure out where the years went !!
Caesar, meet Shy! The dragon has grown since our last visit and now takes walkabouts and both the cat and I find it a bit unnerving. No apparent confrontations have resulted.

On a clear but definitely chilly day, Jon drove us down to the Jersey side of the Hudson River to find some of the Revolutionary and Hamilton historic sites.
Apparently, this is the rock that cradled the head of Hamilton as he lay dying after the duel.

When not exploring history, we had a pretty long learning curve in order to play Catan . We got better as the days went along but we were never much of a threat to the competition.
And then, we were back in the desert.....almost like time travel, except it involved long flights. We're packing up and saying goodby to our neighbors and friends. As the temperatures finally warm up, we look forward to our migration north once more.

Before we headed out of town, we got to see Jeff and Jen's new (old) home that will soon be undergoing a huge renovation. Can't wait to see her vision come together.
Always enjoy your visits to see family! This will be our last winter in Ocala, Fl. Drive getting to be too much for hubby (no, he won't let a woman drive him anywhere! HA)...he'll be 80 this Dec. but you wouldn't know it...still golfs 4 days a week (18 holes) and active. Drive was so nerve wrecking this past December. We've had 14 good years!!! Enjoy your time back home!