Mary Beth's office was closed and Jon was home and school was closed AGAIN ..... so, we played a boisterous game of Scrabble. We had been playing it for several days on the XBOX but the boys requested the board game. I went to Target and looked and looked for the familiar box. Finally I found this skimpy red flimsy look alike. Apparently they have done away with the nice tiles, the wooden holders and the substantial board. I looked on Amazon and they had $199.00 !! ones but not the familiar. Anyway, it still involves coming up with words from what you have and verbal
Jon also celebrated many more years on the 13th. I remember that Friday very snowed and the other two boys had the chicken pox.
Meanwhile, while we were battling Mother Nature in CT, Alex came to AZ. We were sorry that we missed this special young man.
He played golf with Jeff and Jen .... he's very good.....
Not sure where the next generation is getting those tall genes.... Andy is taller than most of us and Alex is towering above everyone.
We're back in the desert... A bit jet- lagged as AZ doesn't do the DST thing so we are trying to adjust to the 3 hr time difference.
We played our first round of golf yesterday afternoon. Only 9 holes on the pretty Par 3 course. It's a good warm up for when I rejoin my league at Cobble Creek. We felt those muscles that haven't been used in awhile.
I have really ugly hands. I have my mother's arthritic knobby fingers. She always said that they didn't hurt but mine do. It's the only place in my body that I feel the burning and aching of swollen joints. It was especially painful after my golf. I have the MJ cream and that helps. I'll have to remember to use it before I go out again. We were in Costco the other day and I always check out the diamond rings as I pass by on my way to the more mundane products. They had a $28,000 emerald cut and P offered to buy it for me ..... not ! We've reached the point where we could probably afford nice jewelry (not the $$$ kind) but the hands are too scary to wear it....sigh....
The lust for gold and diamonds has passed for me, too. We sold all the gold jewelry when they were offering big bucks for it about 5-6 years ago. I have arthritis in my hips and ankles but my hands are good. Still, they ache after a round of golf though. Stay well.