Yummy finger food....there was more on the plate but I was hungry. Mixed a very spicy delicious hummus with guac for a perfect add to veggies and chips. And always better sitting outside waiting for the main event.
On Saturday, we wandered (well, it's kind of a long wander on an Interstate) east to Mike and Jenna's. Aside from a grandmother fix ( only Alex this time ) and a Costco trip (always need 94 rolls of TP ),
we had tickets to a Garrison Keillor show. He started the show by addressing the dismaying political and national/international issues of the day, altho never mentioning anyone by name. He received rousing support for his timely and biting commentary and then led a singing of "God Bless America". He walked the crowd several times and was well versed on the history and highlights of Denver and Colorado. He sang a song about the many rivers of Colorado and I kept waiting for him to name our local and beautiful Uncompaghre River..... he didn't attempt that one....I guess it doesn't rhyme with much. He told touching stories and I was very surprised as he shared a very intimate (and I thought quite graphic) story of a first love. And then, he continued to spill out the story of attending the funeral this summer of this first love and meeting the daughter from that relationship that was given up at birth. I was unclear if he knew of the child or if he acknowledged her and altho they talked briefly, and it seemed as if they both knew the truth, he did not indicate that either acknowledged their connection. It was most interesting.
It was good to get away and I always revel in the beauty of traveling thru the mountains.
The patio is in the final stages of completion and the social calendar is full for this week and next. The weather is perfect and the roses are stunning after a good feeding a couple weeks ago.
Life is good out here in the West.
Garrison was in Danbury a few years ago and I thought he was terrific. I miss The Prairie Home Companion on the radio.