I am now a woman of leisure. Thanks to the arrival of this clever Roomba, I no longer have to worry about dust bunnies under the beds and crumbs in the kitchen. I had my doubts and couldn't get too serious about thinking that this was worthy of my $$$$ but I might be a convert. I have no idea how it works. The cleaning seems totally random with no logical pattern. It slows down when it comes near an obstacle, goes over area rugs (not our shaggy ones), maneuvers over most cords, sweeps up stuff in corners ( I deliberately put stuff down) and then goes back to it's dock when its done or low on battery. It is a bit noisy so I close doors or run it when we are gone. I can see how it would totally freak out a dog or cat. It was a total extravagance and it wasn't MY idea !!! (The best thing is the under the bed cleaning!)
Because we have so much extra time on our hands ..... well it's not that I actually spent a lot of time vacuuming, but you get the drift ..... we headed to the mountains. Snow has come to the high country and we needed to be up close and personal.

We passed by the iconic ranch barn featured in "True Grit".
Around 9000 ft we found snow and bare aspen and snow laden pines....and a muddy road.
The snow became deeper .... (and more blurry)...
....and then our plans had to change ! Where's that chain saw when we really need it ??
The aspen stands were worthy of remembering even without color..........

Cows by Lauren
We are watching the weather closely and preparing for departure. I think we've shifted our leaving to a few days earlier due to predicted snows on the passes on the way to Denver. We are, if nothing else, very flexible and not foolish about driving the house in snow and ice. Time to get organized............
What a beautiful drive Sue! The white stuff is so pretty...