Just look at that cute face.......actually cute faces ! Meet Alex's new friend, Aspen, a portuguese water dog, 10 weeks old alongside Roxie, the Princess of the house and 9 years old. 

The Colorado house has always been happy and alive with kids and cats and dogs and birds and fish, and even a bearded dragon and a turtle at one time. Aspen comes from outstanding stock and may get a chance to show off all her talent and breeding as she grows. It's a fun hobby and I'm sure Alex is up to the task. I went that route with one of our dog many years ago. It was fun but also very political once you get into the serious shows. But they will have the support of the breeders to show them the way. It sounds like a lot of fun and what a cute ball of fluff (until she grows).
Otherwise, the days are rolling along and we are gearing up for heading North.....probably between snowfalls.
FITBIT sent me a new badge for walking the length of Italy !! I guess if I'd been more diligent when I first got the thing, ( april last year ) I might have walked thru Europe by now. But I'll take the accolades. The other day I managed to do 6 miles without too much discomfort. And then today, I struggled getting 3 miles in.
I received a subpoena a few weeks to go for a deposition yesterday. Annoying at best. Drove 45 min to the designated office. Had an appt for 10 am along with about 8 others who all had the same time. By 11 we were still waiting !. Finally, I got called in first and answered questions from the Prosecutor and Defense attorney re: an attempted break-in at a neighbor's house. I happened to see the suspect on the golf course and gave a statement to the police ( I wrote about it last March).
No one else in the group had seen anything. The accused is also wanted on other robberies. I'm really hoping this doesn't go to trial as I suspect I would be called as a witness for the Prosecution.....even tho I can't really identify him, I saw identifying features.
I finished listening to The Martian on my walks. It's to be movie coming out late in the year with Matt Damon as the astronaut. It was good. I'm reading a couple more books. If you like to explore new books and authors, Amazon has a blog called Omnivoracious which leads me to some interesting choices.
I'm also delving deeper and deeper into plant based eating.....again. When I did it a couple years ago, I felt great. I'm not sure why I slipped back into old habits but probably just lazy and the lure of Mexican food (altho leave out the meat/cheese and it's a great vegan food ) The weight is coming off , I'm more energetic and sleeping better. And, I'm noticing that it is going more mainstream with articles on plant based eating in major publications and more and more athletes embracing the lifestyle. And yes, I get plenty of protein and calcium from what I eat. One of the best books is "The Forks over Knives Plan". The movie Forks over Knives on Netflix is impressive. So, enough of my proselytizing.
Today we are going to play golf ! We've had tee times a couple of times previously and cancelled them for lack of enthusiasm. I'm giving it one more shot and if I'm not really really good , I'm going to find a new use for my clubs.
PS: We played golf, nice day, sun shining, coolish.....didn't play great, didn't play awful. Will keep clubs for another day. Had an observer .........
You go girl! I know what you mean about how easy it is to walk some days for a longer distance and then other days your legs feel like they weigh 200 pounds each. Just picking them up and putting them down.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to pictures of Aspen growing up...what a cutie!
Safe travels north and have a great time with the grand kids....
I always say...meandering thoughts are better than no thoughts all. Just sayin'. Be safe on the road out there. Lots of snow...stay warm.
ReplyDeleteIs that an alligator??