What a difference 1800 + miles makes. We made it back to beautiful Colorado. And just in time to proudly celebrate Alexander Lee Miller's graduation from Mountain Vista HS. As with his siblings, the ceremony was held at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. This amazing rock setting is not visible from the roads and just looks like a massive pile of tumbled and uplifted rock......but once you walk to the entrance, the stunning views in all directions is unforgettable . It was built as a WPA project and someone had an amazing vision. Everyone from the Beatles to Lady Gaga has performed here. 
It was a perfect day, clear skies, temps in the low 70's and a light breeze. We arrived early to get good parking and close up seating. Becca and Lizzie came slathered in sunscreen but umbrellas and large hats made it comfortable. After all, we were 6200 feet closer to the sun !!
Kelsey, Lizzie, Becca , the old people and Nicholas. Nicholas and Kelsey are in the midst of planning their wedding in November and the details are exciting. 
Mike capturing the parade of almost 500 grads as they enter ..... you get the idea of the size of this place looking up from the stage. The cheers were mighty from the crowd as our favorite grad received his diploma.
Nicholas, Alex, Becca and Lizzie.......
Meredith and Alex.....watch for her in the Miss Arizona pageant in June. She is so talented and lovely and spirited and has been a special part of the family since they were in their early teens. Alex will join her at Arizona State in the fall.
Denver rises out on the plains.
It is so good to be back ............
Beautiful photos of those red rocks!