Distances are short and between the lakes, rivers and coastal areas, there is a water view most everywhere.
It is all VERY picturesque......
The area is dotted with golf courses....while out exploring in the early evening, we came across this red fox ambling across a fairway of a course near the water.....Diane said they also saw one and it seemed oblivious to traffic and people. Somewhere in our travels, we read that red fox were raised here as an industry.....(.I need to find out more about this so that my blog is informative and historical because I know it's not just about the pretty pictures. : )
All around the Maritimes, the culture keeps ties to the past.....music is a big part of their lives and a popular pastime is the ceilidh ( kay-lee). We encountered these in Cape Breton as well. (This picture was of a ceilidh near the Charlottetown wharf the other day.....the young teens were very good and nimble on their feet) At local community halls and churches you can find postings of a ceilidh several evenings a week. With fiddles, and bagpipes and song and dance, these are lively and popular events. We have plans to go to one on Saturday night at the "Historic St Mary's Church".....we'll let you know.
Pretty pictures. Like 'em.