Nova Scotia is all of what we had hoped and then some.....we did very little research .... just got in the 'moving roadblock' and drove towards the sunrise....... initially, we planned for 4 days here.....but soon learned that we needed at least a week....and now we find that we need TWO weeks. We need not rush thru these days....we have no schedule, no plan and nothing but time. 
And there is a lovely yarn shop nearby ....with plastic wool on the hoof.
It's time to go back to the map. We are at the southern end of the Cabot Trail ( yellow)....near a very large scenic salt water lake. Yesterday, we headed out in the mist and fog and followed the Bras d'Or lake on the green road towards the Northeast to Sydney. That area was once a vibrant industrial complex and cod fishing center. Now, it is rather gritty and unexciting. You can catch a ferry to New Foundland if you so desire.
Our destination was the Fortress of Louisbourg....30 min south of Sydney. I tried to link to it but the wifi is slowing down so all you history buffs can just check it out on Bing for yourselves (and enjoy the daily photo)....Any way, the Fortress was a major French stronghold in the 1700's as they attempted to hold on to their acquisitions. The original settlement was in 1713 and after two sieges by the British, it was destroyed in 1758. In 1960, partial restoration began using the unemployed coal miners from the area. Original stonework was used and it is the largest historical restoration in North America....only 1/4 of the original was completed.
It is very well done with real sheep and
interpretive guides in period costumes and regular demonstrations of daily life.
In a field was this wild turkey and his handler......the handsome bird strutted about, undeterred by photographers and delighted children.
Note the change in color of his waddles (I had to look that one up !) If he's excited it turns blue....which it was when we first saw him and then turns red when he is ready to fight ! I could see no change in his demeanor the entire time so I think he just did it for our benefit....and the camera.
While I was enamored with Tom, Paul was surrendering after breaching the wall around the fort. By a woman no less.....don't think he put up much of a fight since he only had his umbrella.
It's hard to capture the size of this place but I got a quick view from across the water.
The tiny village of Louisbourg has lovely B&B's and several restaurants
and Darlene at the Visitors center knows everyone and and tourism keep the town vibrant.
The drizzle continued but it wasn't cold and we made a quick trip out to view the solitary lighthouse.
before we drove home along the lake..............
Thanks for the tour of another interesting part of Canada that we really hope to spend time in.