....... did his thing again and we now have a refrigerator that works as it is supposed to. But, this required him to wiggle into small space in the belly of the beast, hold a flashlight while troubleshooting various circuit breakers and wires and correct some mis-wiring issues. All the while, his trusty assistant was offering words of encouragement while reclining in the shade.....we make a good team. Getting into that spot was one thing, but getting out was even more of a challenge. (for those of you wondering, the blue pool noodles on the corners avoids a trip to the ER for stitches when you bang your head into those sharp points.)
While reclining in my chair in the shade of a lovely tree about 10 feet from our door, I happened to look up when a pesky insect buzzed me.......well, obscured by the dappled sunlight and shades of green, was this condo in the making.....the hornets were very industrious and 
had managed to complete a lovely structure about 6 inches in diameter. They really are amazing and the design is exquisite but unfortunately, they picked a bad location to build their house.
Paul came out armed and ready with his long range hornet killer.

Being naturally pessimistic and cowardly, I vetoed this idea as one we might not win.......I opted to alert the managers and let them do their dastardly deed for us. We're still waiting..... it rather puts a damper on enjoying the ambiance of the outdoors for the moment.
We actually carry the hornet and wasp spray as security measure against 2 legged intruders. It has a long range, is very toxic and easy to use.....vs. the possibility of shooting myself in the foot with something more lethal. However , the best protection is to avoid places that might harbor those situations (such as parking in remote areas or unsavory Walmarts).
We're basically hedonistic and prefer the luxury of spacious, scenic, welcoming campsites surrounded by the elderly and their small white dogs.
OK, trying this as instructed. Wondering if you got an email from me with sort of the same following message, as I tried the little envelope both times.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, now I can start sleeping with bug spray and save the $ I was going to spend on gun lessons. Eagerly awaiting news of hornet deinfestation.
So enjoying our deck these mornings - coffee out there b/4 the Sun comes on strong, and when that does we can move to the shady front porch. Your intenary sounds wonderful - actually I'm turning green.