Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13, 1970

It was Friday the 13th when we welcomed our 3rd son. Despite the fact that we couldn't name him Elizabeth, he became a wonderful son and we are so proud of all he's accomplished in his 42 years and the fine man and father that he has become. And, yes, that is a black eye on that child......he had two black eyes, an egg on his forehead and a scraped nose from tripping on a sidewalk a week earlier....now days, they would have arrested us for child abuse.

To celebrate this event a few days early, we played golf on Sunday....it was another overcast grey morning and we mostly had the course to ourselves.

The only company watching our brilliant shots was this rather beige seagull .... and he was unimpressed I think.

1 comment:

  1. Cute kid--yep, today you'd be arrested and hung if you had a kid with a shiner like that. Of course you KNOW I checked out your golf bag! What kind of clubs do you play with? Wish I had a golf cart...no place to put one.
