There is a big advantage of buying a ticket to fly from the NE to the SE......usually we fly out of Newark which is a busy almost 2 hour drive from Jon's.......yesterday we left from Westchester Airport (White Plains) which is a mere 45 minutes. This was especially expedient since we had one little boy still dealing with a GI bug . And, the take off route brought us over Manhattan.....since we were above 10.000 ft, I was able to use my electronic device with an "on/ off button" to take some iPhone shots of the views below.

As we began our descent into the setting sun,

the clouds were quite impressive .................
The 2.5 hour flight went by very quickly with the LIVE TV and opportunity to watch the last 2 hours of golf......but we landed just as the regulation 18 holes ended and missed the play-off. That TV thing is worth the price of the ticket somedays.

The view off of Jon's deck showing a sky getting ready for some snow (just a dusting) and

the sky greeting us in Florida.... Welcome Home it said.

I always try to get an aisle seat, so I miss those great window shots. Beautiful!