........... Not that anyone had any illusions about the season. Most long-term Bronco fans have pretty thick skins after years of disappointment and with each surprising win this year, we knew it had to end long before the play-offs. But the team rallied, the world took notice and Tebow was a healthy respite from Mitt and Newt.

Mr Blow-up, bigger than life, Bronco-man was planted on the front yard. Becca came to town just in time to see her old grandparents come to life, wearing their Bronco shirts which hadn't been washed since the streak began.......(someone, who shall remain nameless, now gets to wash her Bronco thong.....! ) And then, after some good home-grown Mexican food, we watched in anticipation..............

This, rather graphically, sums it all up. It was painful, it was inglorious, Brady was perfection and then, finally, long after most turned away, it was over. Mr blow up Bronco will be back before we know it and we have no doubts that next season he will stand tall and proud as we go to the SUPERBOWL !!
Meanwhile, to occupy our time until then, we have become fans of Downton Abbey. Have you ? We downloaded season 1 from Netflix and are parceling out the episodes.. But now I find that Season 2 is already on DVD , before its even over.....how great is that. Once you get over the first few minutes of the proper British accents, it carries you along with it's twists and turns. Highly recommended.

I watched Downton Abbey last season and absolutely loved it! I think that it was originally meant to be for just one season and then its popularity made it into a second season. It's another Masterpiece Theater winner!