Well, Paul got a new phone as a reminder of his week in Spain and I got the cold/sore throat bug. Doesn't seem quite equitable.
The phone is fun to interact with. Siri will send emails and texts and send reminders of things you need to do. She seems to understand most anything you can say to her....(quite unlike the voice system on our car). I can see some useful applications for her remarkable abilities but alas, I'm not eligible for an upgrade until April (Birthday gift ??).
Meanwhile, I'm inhaling the Cold-Eze, the water, the Cepacol sore throat lozenges and having some angst about getting everything done. Literally, one minute I was fine, out shopping, spending money, and enjoying my tuna fish sandwich and then ....... I was sneezing, chilling and the throat was raw. I was so diligent about using my hand sanitizer every minute of the trip.....I should have worn a mask.
Sitting here with my hot tea, a pile of Christmas cards, Kleenix and a list a mile long ....I'm wishing I could either get back to a couple of books on the Kindle or begin a new knitting project that I have in mind. I'm the world's best procrastinator but despite feeling like I have cement in my head and flames in my throat, I can't escape the season. Plus, we have a Couple's golf match tomorrow (a neighborhood thing) and the odds of us coming out on top are slim to none.
And next week, we're leaving on a jet plane one more time.........
Don't you just hate getting a cold at the holidays! Who has time for that! I always seem to get something at Christmastime, no matter how diligent I am. You might consider going to a "doc in the box" and getting a Z-pak. It will fix you right up and you'll be covered for your flight next week. Insurance.