...in order to wake up to electricity and sunshine and TV cartoons.

There are NO predictions for when power will be restored in their town.....school is hopeful for Monday but even that isn't a definite. The area is a mess

and utility crews are limited and hampered by the total devastation. It is much worse than the hurricane exactly 2 months ago.
They are fortunate that Jon has the airline privileges to fly them down. He will return to work in a day or so and I will get them back when life returns to some semblance of normal. In the meantime, they will swim and go for golf cart rides and maybe.....just maybe......we might go

Their favorite things ever are Legos and Starwars.......
Meanwhile, Denver is getting more snow....maybe we'll see more evacuees !!!
Sounds like an ideal plan for a time out! Legoland is hugely popular on the west coast. I've never been, either. We played with Lincoln Logs...