This time of year, the bright flowers are fading a bit and pots of mums show up. And then for about 3 weeks, we have a glorious show of this beautiful light delicate muhly grass.

The rest of the year, it is just a hedge of grass about 3-4 ft tall and then comes October and it glows everywhere. When the sun shines on it , it sparkles.

This picture below is off the web, just wanted to show how perfect it is for a showy border.

We planted a few sprigs 2 falls ago and it is very tall now and bushy. I took this pic

this morning, after the sprinklers had smooshed it down a bit. Driving around TV and the golf courses, it is everywhere and just so dainty and pretty and feathery in the breeze. It is very drought tolerant and would probably grow about anywhere. TV chops it down to the ground in the winter but we have not trimmed ours. about Tebow ?? It was one of the worst games I have watched (well except for the Colts and New Orleans last night !!) and I was about to switch to watching golf when at 2:44 left in the game, they finally woke up. It was a reminder of Elway days when we always counted on him to somehow squeak out a win. This team is nowhere near the old Broncos but maybe there is a spark of hope. And there is no doubt that if they had been playing anyone else, they would have been left in the dust.
This reminds me of the grass that grows along the roadside that gets that beautiful pink bloom toward the Fall. Wonder if it is a similar variety. It's lovely.