Tomorrow, we would like to head south into more scenic country. We will call ahead to inquire about the smoke issue before starting out. We would like to wander about Jackson Hole and the Teton area and maybe meander up to Yellowstone. It would be a return trip after many many years and I'm sure there are alot of changes. But the mountains never change.
We are in no hurry to get home. The open road has its appeal and we have all the comforts of home with us.....This country is quite amazing. The views through the windshield are expansive but the towns are rather homogeneous. There was a time when there was some originality but now you can find a Starbucks, a Walgreens and assorted fast foods and restaurants on every corner of every town. They all kind of blend together..... but the expansive horizon is always different and beautiful.
I ordered "A River Runs Through It" by Norman MacLean on my Kindle and it is perfect for this part of the trip. He captures the mountains and the rivers and fly fishing and relates it to life. He grew up in Missoula and started writing at the age of 70. I will order the movie when we get home.....I'm trying to figure out what role Brad Pitt played...
Hopefully, we'll have a more scenic update after tomorrow.
Think you should write to Trader Joes for a 2 dollar version..(they make cheap beer now)