You all are aware of my love affair with my iPhone. It is just so impressive and besides all that it can do, it just feels good. Mine is getting older and slowing down a bit and is having trouble with any multitasking.......We are alot alike in some respects.

So, on Tuesday eve, after discussion and research , I bought the new 4G iPhone. It is pretty hefty and now has that flat not as tactile. But it has a bigger camera with flash, can multi task (Pandora while I walk and use Runkeeper) and is so fast. It has a ton of new features of which I will probably use 3 but it is still an amazing device.

Our neighbors have had an iPhone but yesterday they changed to the new Droid X. Mostly they wanted to return to Verizon. (We haven't had any issues with AT&T so far). I looked at a PC magazine comparison of the two phones and for the average older non-techy user, they are probably very similar. I like my interface with iTunes and being able to sync my phone and computer and all the wonderful Apps. I know that Droid does that also but the 'old dog , new tricks' thing would put me over the edge.
Jon says he can sell my old phone on eBay for $100 which surprised me.
Weather continues dry (NO humidity at all) and sunny......80's is just perfect.
One of Roger's favorite features is the face time video chat capability. We use it to chat with our Hawaii family - we get to see and hear Caleb and he gets to see and hear us. We'll see if it makes any difference when we see him in person.... on TUESDAY!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to upgrading but am definitely an "old dog" when it comes to new tricks.