....has set in. (It's a good word to use in idle conversation). I blame the condition on the orange days on the graph. Don't even think of taking the kids, grandkids, or yourself to Disney /Universal. I think they should pay people to go there in this heat.

During these torrid days, I wonder what I would be doing if we still lived in a more temperate climate. I am not a gardner, I detest weeding and clipping and bugs and snakes. But I do like HOSTA. I miss the opportunity to admire them and grow them. They require so little. Our talented neighbors with the green thumbs, tried to grow some under a shady palm......and failed. When I am old, I will spend my summers in a garden surrounded by every variety. ....but I still won't weed.

Meanwhile, I have developed a more pronounced fondness for my Kindle. And I just knew that once it became available at Target at a reduced price, a new model would appear..........

It's now available in black or white and comes with a built in light on the case. But the best

feature is a 50% increase in the contrast of the print. That has been my biggest gripe. So, my order has been placed and it will ship at the end of the month. I will return mine to Target (90 day return policy). I have given up on the iPad. That is a hard thing for me to admit but I think this new Kindle version is a much better e-reader.
Otherwise, blog worthy days are few and far between but we have hopes that ennui will soon be replaced......by off-ui. (yes, sometimes I try too hard)
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