My ability to procrastinate extends to all areas of my life. It has been a life long issue and I suspect that at my age, it is incurable. That being said, one of the results is my continual failure to contribute to this blog. Granted, I do it mostly for me. It is my way of remembering and capturing life. If it were truly personal, obviously I wouldn't publish it, so it is mostly just the trivia of our daily lives. And for all of you that follow along, I apologize for living such a mediocre existence. It is regretful that I am not writing of climbing mountains, transforming the lost and woe-be-gone souls of the world, sharing haunting poetry or delighting you with stunning photography and pithy observations. Instead...................... get an unedited pic of some guy's bald head taken at a lovely Symphony Under the Stars last week. The concert was in Ocala and was quite lovely and capped off with the 1812 Overture and glorious fireworks.
And all the tedium of covering and uncovering the mandevilla during Florida's coldest winter ever, paid off with this glorious display. I think it is the only mandevilla to survive the winter around here. Many are coming back but none are this showy and large. Paul is training it to trail along wires over the entry. Stay may just take over.

Our morning was recently "shattered" when after we heard a strange noise, we investigated and found this mess out on the lanai. Luckily the pile of glass missed the pool and we were happy the cover prevented a few stray pieces from falling in.

The table was aging but it was a good size and served us well. We found a replacement without glass.
Forty four years ago today, the cutest little guy arrived. Happy Day Jeff.
Just finished reading Anna Quinlan's latest "Every Last One" . I have read most of her books , this not one of my favorites but quite compelling and haunting.
Enough's time to go climb some mountains and help the masses so I have something to write about.
Well, I for one, like hearing about all the minutia in your life. My big glass top table broke one year in the middle of the night. It sounded like the house blew up. It was covered with wet, heavy snow and I guess it was just to much weight. I did get another glass one, but turn it on its side for the winter.
ReplyDeleteI bought a Mandeveilla today, but it is pretty pitiful compared to yours. I just love it when they trail up and over things.
I like Anna Quinlan, but her last two to three books have not been up to par, in my estimation. I was wondering about her latest.
I don't know what it is about blogging that is so captivating to our readers out there--I feel the same way you do, that my life is just very ordinary, and I blog to capture moments much like a personal diary. But you stumble on a blog one day, and you have some connection with that person and find they are a lot like you, and then over time you feel like you have made a friend and it's like a visit when you drop by their blog or they yours. Only you don't have to put on makeup or wear a bra.
ReplyDeleteI love the way it helps us stay connected. And even though I AM out climbing mountains I don't lead a very exciting life either. And since I don't have a lot to say about everything, I only write about what I feel like. So there. Maybe that's part of why we're friends. Lynne