We don't really call this a swimming pool, it is more a standing pool, except for a small child, no one could do a lap. It is 3.5 to 5.5 ft deep. One of the laborers, cleaning the tiles, fell in Monday and the birdcage guys dropped a drill in. Air temp was only 50ish and the pool has yet to be heated so it was a chilly dip. There is more to be done but it is finishing work and then we can furnish the area and decorate with plants.
One of the blogs that I follow is The Yarn Harlot. She is a very popular author with a large following of knitters. She has always supported Doctors without Borders but last week she put out a call to knitters to make donations and she would tally them. She is still counting but expects the total to be around $500,000. When I checked some of the comments, many are small donations of $10 or so....quite amazing is the power of the electronic world. Jan referred us to a blog written by two young missionairies in Haiti, she a Dr and he a teacher and their young son that they are in the process of adopting, www.kimandpatrick.blogspot.com . It is a compelling read.
It's really coming along and looking nice. The Florida "bird cages" have fascinated me for a number of years. Are you sure you don't need some large raptors to go with the furniture and the plants? That'd take care of all those little geckos.
I've been reading a blog here http://www.powerdyme.com/dan-diamond-powerdyme-blog.html by a doctor serving in Haiti. Sobering reading.
I am always amazed at those Florida bird cages. They blow my mind.