This is how I spend my hours......

I should be getting ready for Christmas with shopping and decorating and baking and.......oh yeah, I forgot , that's what I did in my previous life. I'm retired now and I do what I want , when I want. So I sit for hours delving into the intricacies of the MAC and trying and eventually begging it to make sense. I read the book, I read the tutorials, I call tech support ( #2 son Jeff), I write notes to myself and then I begin to look like this poor woman......well, minus the eyes, the hair , the 20" waist......but you get the idea.

Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets about going in this direction and I know that I could just go to the Genius bar at the Apple store and they would make it all crystal clear, for a price. And I know that Paul will easily step into the abyss and understand it all. But I want to do it all MYSELF. I'm realistic enough to know that I will need a lot of help soon but so far I've actually done quite a bit. I can get my email, get to the internet, search my favorites and do it all wirelessly. But I can't transfer pictures or find my address book. And much of what I do is cumbersome and slow. I think I could write the blog but it wouldn't have any pictures and what fun is that. So, for now, I use two computers of different persuasions and keep hoping the lightbulb will turn on.
Meanwhile, life goes on ..........
Andy and Mason enjoying the first substantial snowfall. I think this picture describes their personalities pretty well. Andy (almost 7), the cautious one, tentative and serious. Mason(just turned 4), freewheeling headlong down the hill with a big smile on his face fear.
It will soon be second nature and you will be proud to say, "Im a Mac!"
ReplyDelete#2 Son Jeff
You can do it. Nice to know they have a book, I have been thinking of switching over but have been scared to.
ReplyDeleteYou should take those $99 for a year lessons at the Mac store. But you've always been so good at computers, you can probably do it yourself.