Meanwhile, I was putting on a birthday celebration for Aunt Romayne's 97th. She is quite remarkable.
Their quality of life remains high and that is at least as important as a long life.
Meanwhile, I have been frustrated and trying to figure out why I can't get pictures from my phone to the picture gallery on the computer. I manage to capture life thru my phone vs. a camera for obvious reasons. And I often upload the pictures that I get from texting to post on the blog. (yes, with the iPHONE, we can now send pictures in a is way cool and fortunately, Jenna and Marybeth share their life instantly....because, if I can't be there, I still need to be a part of it.) So last week, when that ability to upload those pictures just quit working, I began to whine and Paul (who can fix anything), spent hours searching the innards and brain of this Sony and then sent an SOS to our sons. Mike is on the road and didn't answer, Jon tried to come to some conclusions and Jeff said, " Sorry, I'm a MAC". So, I couldn't blog. I knew I had some good stuff just waiting to be posted but not without pictures ...... I knew my audience would leave if they had another barren picture-less post.
So, I will stumble on, try to carry my camera with me and hope the problem fixes itself, just like it broke itself.
Some of the views I was going to share were from Jenna's texts....they are currently on their way home from the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. They crew for a balloon team and send amazing pictures. One of them sort of looked like this with a note that said Alex was in a balloon in the middle. Yes, they get to go up in those balloons also.

When we moved into this neighborhood, it was new construction and not much wildlife had come back. Slowly, we are seeing more and more geckos, birds and I suspect, more creepy things. But this morning, just at sunrise, I was greeted with such exuberance and spirit. A mockingbird (I think) was sitting in a nearby palm and just singing his heart out. I have seen and heard them on the golf course and they have mighty voices. I hope he decides to set up housekeeping out back.
Yes, that looks like a mockingbird. He is looking for a mate, and if he doesn't find one soon he will drive you to distraction with his antics! They're really fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteGood to know you have health and longevity in your gene pool. My parents both died in their 60s. But they smoked, didn't exercise, etc. I plan to still be playing golf when I'm 80.
I love that bird picture, the way the background is diffused to a blurry green and he's so sharp and clear. Great shot. Happy birthday to your aunt. It sounds like you are doing all the right things, too, and will have their long happy life.
ReplyDeleteI would have liked to see that balloon shot enlarged.