Here's the family's star golfer.....It was fun watching him launch those shots with such great precision. Jeff flew in on Tuesday from the Vancouver, Washington area. He is an excellent player , among other fine attributes.
We have a lot of golf planned. Today, we played 18 holes, or Jeff did. Paul and I called it quits after the 17th. It was 90 degrees out there and I was feeling pretty fried. It was HOT.
This is just one example of some of the daunting holes......I played badly and blame it on not playing much this summer. Hope always springs eternal for most golfers, as we're convinced the next hole, the next game, the next week, etc.....all will improve.
There is assorted wildlife on the course and sandhill cranes don't seem to mind us getting up close and personal.
This was the 17th hole. All the times I have played this, I have NEVER managed to carry it across the swamp. Today was no different. Paul and Jeff which point I declared that it was a stupid game , a waste of my time and I wouldn't consider playing again....until tomorrow morning at 10 with the ladie's group.....
That IS a daunting hole with all that sand! Yikes! nemesis. Hit 'em long and straight.