I am feeling better. Not great but better. Enough so that I managed to get most of the weeds pulled that took over in the past three weeks. It was overcast and in the 70's so I decided it was now or never.
This is the view from the lanai yesterday. The past two days we have had some significant thunderstorms. There is a road and a pond across the golf course that is obscured.

On Tuesday, we had some serious thunder, that real loud crack that makes you wonder how close it was. Well, apparently it was too close. A house about a mile away received a direct hit and burned to the ground. Fortunately, no one was home. This is the 2nd home since we've been here that has had a direct hit and been destroyed. ( They call Central Florida the Lightning capital) And the gas lines run thru the attic so I would imagine that makes it go up a bit faster. Our village was the last for gas installations.....all the new ones are all electric.
If you will notice in this picture, "which one of these does not look like the other". ...... We planted these two mandevillas at the same time in November. They did great and bloomed vigorously and began the climb up the trellis. Then one day I noticed that the left one was drooping. Something was wrong with the sprinkler and nothing could be done and it dried up despite begging and pleading and lots of water. The other one , right beside it looks healthy. And then, the mandevilla on the light pole beside the drive way died while we were gone. It also was blooming and growing. And it is getting water. I'll have to check with local experts and see if this is common. Not sure if we will plant another or look into something else. Not being a gardner, I just expect the plants to do their thing without much intervention from me.

Changing the subject.......this is the back of a sweater that I'm currently working on. Guess I should have taken it in a portrait mode but if you are really that interested , just turn your head.

And here is a little something that I bought on Etsy. For those of you who do not know, it is a site for selling your art and craft items.....or most anything handmade. This was made by Terry Grant(
http://andsewitgoes.blogspot.com) and is beautifully crafted of fabric. And just seems to belong.

Paul just returned home from his weekly Inner Circle Golf outing. About 32 guys play each Friday. This week his foursome WON !! $3.00
I have considered buying one of Terry's birds. I think they are wonderful and yours looks fabulous.
ReplyDeleteGlad you're feeling better.
Ditto Lynne about the bird. I was very tempted, too, but where wold I put it. I have too much stuff already.