I wonder if this is really the most popular event of the Olympics....or is it just at this house? Wonder if they ever get used to all that sand under those skimpy suits.......a major exfoliation experience I believe.

If it's a Wednesday, we must be traveling. But then, being retired and old, isn't that what we're supposed to do? Here's a view of our approach into Newark Liberty International Airport.

We came north once again to help out with the grandbabies while the mom and dad go to work. It is just strange to come back here and traverse the roads where we once lived. It is all so familiar and then again , it is different. I will say that it certainly looks like Ct with the large homes, the lovely vintage homes and beautiful landscaping and all the German and Swedish cars. Money lives here. The old park where there was a swimming pond and turtles used to crawl out of while we were sitting on the beach, is no longer there. Well, the park is, but they filled in the pond and made a gorgeous play space for the kids.

We went shopping, rather browsing, at Best Buy and the boys were

entranced with the room of large TV's. Just a minute before, it was all penquins on the screens.

One day, Andy talked me into going for a walk to the pond. It is about a mile from the house and once we got there, it was quite lovely and a perfect place for rock throwing. My rock skipping skills are pretty rusty. The walk back was entirely UPHILL. I had taken a wagon just in case some little legs got tired but never imagined that pulling 2 in a clunky big plastic wagon up a steep hill would be so daunting. So I made them walk. And half way up , they declared the need to rest. At which point the mother of these able-bodied children called to see how we were doing and then drove down and picked them up. The wagon and I continued our now peaceful journey uphill.

And now, we wish to share with you a rather ingenious invention. To be used while flying when you have forgotten your eye shades, your wife won't close the window shade because of a slight issue with claustrophobia, and you are cheap.........transform that boarding pass into an effective light blocker........providing of course, that you don't mind a few strange looks.....or maybe they are just starring so they can copy this brilliant idea.
Now , we just need something for the drool and the snore.
Hi Sue,
ReplyDeleteI loved looking at your pictures. I promise to keep up and check more often which will be very easy since I'm putting a link to your blog on my blog.