Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Of sand and eye shades

One day, Andy talked me into going for a walk to the pond. It is about a mile from the house and once we got there, it was quite lovely and a perfect place for rock throwing. My rock skipping skills are pretty rusty. The walk back was entirely UPHILL. I had taken a wagon just in case some little legs got tired but never imagined that pulling 2 in a clunky big plastic wagon up a steep hill would be so daunting. So I made them walk. And half way up , they declared the need to rest. At which point the mother of these able-bodied children called to see how we were doing and then drove down and picked them up. The wagon and I continued our now peaceful journey uphill.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Rocky Mountain High
is the highest incorporated city in the US and boasts the highest golf course. It sits at 10,430 ft and back in its heyday during the silver mining boom, it had a population of over 30,000. Today, it is a quaint , seen better days, type of place but headquarters for exploring the beautiful mountain areas and camping.
Despite being in the minority, Lizzie held her own among the guys and became the videographer and photographer on the trails. Here are Paul and Alex in downtown Leadville. In the background is the Golden Burro cafe, a favorite stopping point on our trips over the pass many years ago. They had huge, warm, fresh cinnamon rolls.
Camping was not entirely rustic. Mike originally planned on using the tent but with Paul going, they opted for more style. And they weren't alone. There were many many RV's dry camping as well.

At over 11,000 feet on the Continental Divide. Mike, P, and Alex.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Two different spectacles.....
Still no pictures of the Rocky Mountain Jeepers. Mike did send an email with the pictures embedded in it but I couldn't get them separated out. They are back down in Denver, just in time for torrential rain last night. I'm not sure when Paul will head east or where his destination will be. I am going back up to Ct to enjoy the little ones while their parents earn enough money to pay for the big house. I also plan to visit with long time friends from the area. Should make for a fun time.
Last night I was torn between watching the Opening of the Olympics and the John Edwards debacle.... For awhile, the slimy story won. One of the commentators was very harsh, calling him a slick and sleezy lawyer among other things. Obviously, we've been down this road before with politicians but they usually don't have a smart, talented wife with terminal cancer. Another commentator was so befuddled as to why he continued running for President with this in his history. He said he knew of very capable and excellent men who have chosen not to run because of background issues, including illegitimate children. Wouldn't we just love to know who that is?? It is just sad that men and power results in stupifying egomania.
But, on the other channel was the opening spectacle of the Olympics. I really had no intention of watching it but finally turned it on and was speechless ......the tens of thousands, the costumes, the coordination , the color, the symbolism. Wow !! But for a different take on all of this, go to one of my favorite bloggers and read her thoughts. . She also belongs to and writes about her Six Hole Golf League.........yup, they just play 6 holes and then adjourn for lunch and plan the various social events during the season.
The tedious job of decorating is losing its charm quickly. I did find a table and chairs and have been looking at fabric samples for some recliners that don't look like recliners but the enthusiasm is waning and I think that maybe boxes for end tables isn't so bad after all.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Here and there.....
Paul and Mike and Lizzie and Alex have taken this vehicle, minus the snow coverings, up to the mountains for a week of 4 wheeling....check out this site for details (I forgot how to use the hyperlink feature) They are also roughing it at the campground in the motorhome. I was certainly invited but preferred to keep my head at sea level. Many many years ago, 20 to be exact, when Jenna was very pregnant with Nicholas and Michael had a broken leg, the family spent a week 4 wheeling around the Ouray/Telluride area The area is breathtaking but terrifying when you are on a narrow trail high above nothing but air. We have often talked of returning, for a more sedate viewing , but have yet to make it.
Mike and Jenna went on one of these events last year in Moab and loved it. I'm hoping there will pictures to post this week. They have good cell coverage and I'm assuming Mike will be able to send pics out on his phone.
Meanwhile it is quiet here at the homestead. I'm determined to get this place settled and with that goal in mind, I'm heading to Orlando tomorrow with Ann and Jane , my nice friends and neighbors and golfing partners, to shop for STUFF.....but important stuff like maybe a chair or two or accessory pieces. My shopping enthusiasm just isn't what it used to be so I'll have to FORCE myself to keep going.
I went out looking on Saturday and think I might like these chairs. I'm going to get a round dining table and will be able to fit 8-10 chairs around it. I thought of getting 4 of these sea grass ones and 4 of something else. I don't like the matched look.
And here is a look at the area rug that we have in the living area. It is from Pottery Barn and has great colors in it. I just ordered another for the dining area. I had ordered a different one for under the table but it just didn't work. So my floors will certainly be bright. But the rest of the house is so beige, with walls and floors being neutral that this gives it a real spark. Both carpets are 9x12.