And you thought maybe we'd up and disappeared, or divorced or died or got sick or ran out of brain cells or forgot how to spell.....or something equally serious in order not to publish the BEST BlOG YOU"VE EVER READ....Well, you'd be wrong on all accounts. Chalk it up to pure unadulterated laziness and a deficit in the 'exciting life' department.
Our non-stop, exhaustive social life has had to take a backseat to family issues....mainly getting Aunt Romayne situated. She is happily settling in to her cute smallish apartment and meeting others. She appreciates the more intimate size and the shorter walks to meals and activities. It is a good 45 minute drive from here and we have been doing it almost daily. After this week, I think we will be able to give her more space.
While she was with us, we thought she might enjoy communicating via email with a couple of her close friends who are quite computer literate.
Unfortunately, Romayne never learned to type ("I always had secretaries" she said) so the hunt and peck process was pretty fatiguing and she finally cried Uncle and said she 'd rather send a note the old fashioned way.
Since our return, the weather has definitely changed and most days we get an afternoon thunderstorm. The air freshens and the temperature drops about 20 degrees and it really really rains. We enjoy sitting under the protection of the lanai and watching the show . Our early evening golf games are on hiatus for now but we have managed some morning ones but it is usually oppressively humid with the breezes not coming up until later in the morning. Here are some views of the Florida skies. They quite fascinate me with their ever changing colors and depths.
We remember those afternoon thunderstorms and the oppressive heat, part of the reason we're not interested in living in Florida. The skies though can be spectacular, whether sunny or stormy. Glad all is well.