Today I went for my morning walk even tho the wind was blowing at sub-hurricane force. There were very few brave souls out there and no small dogs. I think I should get extra credit for the effort I expended. We had a golf date planned for noon but wisely cancelled. Paul came home yesterday from Miami with a head cold and the wind and cool weather would not have helped.
I am not a gardener. I did not inherit the gene from my mother altho my sisters did. I do not miss it. I do not like being surprised by all creatures great and small. I do not like to get bitten by mysterious invisible things. I do not like my sweat mixed with dirt. But, I do like the fruits of someone else's labor (sort of like grandchildren). Eventually we will have to revise and add to the landscaping that is here. For now , I hope to put in some pots with assorted plantings. I did have good luck with gardening on that scale in both Ct and Pa. I guess I'm more in control of all the elements. But I have no idea what works down here so spent some time at the bookstore. This book seemed to have the most comprehensive and easy to understand guidelines.
Maybe some topiaries by the front door or the garages.
We have a rather large nook in the kitchen designed for a table. But its only 3 steps to the dining area and another five steps to the table on the lanai, so how many tables does one small house need? But I do need a desk and I can always use more storage so we had some drawings made up. This will be made using the same cabinetry as the kitchen. I would like granite but don't know if we can come reasonably close on the match. ( My apologies for the quality of the picture but I couldn't cut and paste this from the pdf so I took a picture.)

This is the space it will go it. It faces the front of the house.
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