We are so happy to have Andy and Mason with us ....and of course, their parents. They had a great Disney visit and now are spending a few days with us, exploring our new home. Today they are at the beach, somewhere on the east coast. It is a beautiful sunny day.

Looks like lunch is still on the face.

View from the lanai out to the golfcourse. Paul and I played our first round in the Inner Circle Couple's Golf. It was the longest and hardest 9 holes I've played. The course is nothing by small mounds, dotted with either sand or water......and the greens undulate in every direction. It was painful. We play best ball per couple so that helps some. We play the next couple on Thurs.....same course. Hopefully , different outcome.

View from the living room. Looks well put together doesn't it ????? NOT. I'm slowly getting thru the major boxes but then I forget where I put everything. I think anyone over 60 should be prohibited from moving unless they have a keeper.
Can't wait to see Mike and Jenna and the kids on Thursday when they arrive for Lizzie's international twirling extravaganza at Disney.
A VERY SPECIAL WELCOME TO MATTHEW CHRISTIAN HOLTAN born on February 9, weighing a healthy 8 lb 15 oz. Congratulations to First time Grandparents Annette and Mark. Welcome to the wonderful world of little boys and diapers once again.....
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