Congratulations to Dean and Diane and the arrival of granddaughter Jacqueline. I can't imagine doing this and I would be expected to know what I was doing....sort of. Good work Diane.
It has been pretty warm these days with slightly increasing humidity. Chance of rain for the weekend and I won't mind it. I've been procrastinating the whole shopping and holiday thing. I guess if we were home, it would be different, but to me it feels like May or something. The Christmas decorations seem odd down here. They don't seem to fit in. They don't seem genuine. Not that we have always had snow up north but the glow of lights combined with a nip in the air seems right. Don't get me wrong, I don't miss all the snow they are getting. We will be flying to Colorado this year to spend the Christmas Days with Mike and Jenna and Nicholas, Becca, Alex and Lizzie.....and assorted birds and dogs. It will be very festive and winter-like and we will gladly give up our warm for a few days.
I've been getting educated on the bird life down here. The other day, these beautiful sand hill cranes came to visit. They are the most abundant cranes and are over 4 ft high at maturity.
They wandered over to where I was and did not seem at all concerned that I was there. And then quite suddenly, they began foraging in the bushes and the grasses and pulled out many wiggling geckos. It was quite a violent scene, a working model of the food chain and I found it quite disturbing and went in the house. Makes me want to build safe houses for the little things.
The other day, the local radio station hosted a NY radio personality, Joan Hamburg. For all you non-New Yorkers, she has been a fixture on WOR 710 forever, sharing her recommendations for restaurants, hotels, theatre, vacations spots and that day, she was pushing The Villages, live and on the air. So of course, I had to go down and watch. I only stayed to listen to her interview of Nancy Lopez. Nancy designed one of the Championship courses (27 holes) and has a home that she visits regularly down here. I took pictures but they aren't so good. This is a picture of the lake next to the radio station.
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