Monday, March 3, 2025

Where did Jan and Feb go.....?

Fortunately, spending this winter at home instead of AZ hasn't been that bad.    But, the downside is no pictures of my favorite desert plants and blooms.      And no interesting explorations or getaways.    Instead, one of us plays pickleball a lot and the other one walks a lot.   And draws a bit.     

Oz was finally finished...... 

This is Lucy.    She is elderly and drawn for a friend of the family.     I'm done with whitish dogs for awhile.  

And this is Maple.   She and Nala are Mastiffs..... I see them most days on my morning walk.   They don't really walk, they lumber .     And when I stop to chat with their mom, they lie down and go to sleep....even for a minute or two.   I've started their portraits..... stay tuned.      Maple doesn't like the camera ..... 


         So, I've read a lot of books and listened to even more.   I'm enjoying Wolf Hall on PBS..... it mostly seems to follow the book or as I remember it.    

We do have some travel plans coming up........... to spend quality time with the granddog..